Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Teach Your Children Well Essays - Justice, Philosophy Of Law
Encourage Your Children Well New California law expresses that it is up to the investigators for a situation with respect to whether minors are charged as grown-ups for brutal violations. What should an appointed authority do when eight young men from rural white collar class families, admit to outfitted theft and threatening behavior of five Hispanic foreigner ranch laborers? For this situation, one must acknowledge what a sensitive circumstance this has become. Whenever attempted as grown-ups these eight young men could go through their next sixteen years in adolescent confinement. They were depicted as being 'acceptable young men's with no different stamps on their records. With just one purpose behind perpetrating such a wrongdoing, these young men need to confront their prejudice while equity is being served, with non-customary discipline that will show a remarkable exercise. As upper-white collar class, better than expected understudies, even a few competitors, these young men clearly don't have the foggiest idea what life is about. Specialists said that the young men were explicitly searching for Hispanic laborers to assault, with the goal that shows the young men had some kind of thought process. These days where Americans have a should be treated as equivalent; equivalent open door bosses, equivalent rights for men, ladies, African-American, Chinese-American, and each other gathering of individuals in this nation, one would feel that some place along the line kids would get the message that we are no different. Kids ought to be instructed to adore, not abhor. It is difficult to see such a wrongdoing submitted only for the negligible certainty that they were unique. Didn't loathe violations end in the sixties? How can it be that despite everything guardians can't or won't ingrain in their kids goals of an equivalent human race? Dark or white, earthy co lored or red, rich or poor, would we say we aren't no different when you flip off the lights? I am not saying that I think this is totally the guardians' issue, however they do need to assume fault. At the age these young men are at, their folks are a portion of their couple of good examples, and they generally will be, however at this age, guardians are the most powerful individuals in a kid's life, nothing can approach a mother's contempt, or a dads acclaim. In that sense as well, kids trust in what their folks have faith in, not on the grounds that it is correct, but since it is the main way they know. In this way, guardians should watch when they state they detest somebody or some gathering and we should all attempt to be better individuals, for our youngsters. (Gil Garcetti 588-590) In a wrongdoing this savage, thinking about the attackers and their casualties, a proportion of equity should be served. The attackers need to assume liability for their activities. Nonetheless, sixteen years in an adolescent detainment office doesn't appear the most intelligent answer. James Twitchell accepts that, as of late the gadgets of the law are at long last understanding that disgrace has a spot in discipline. (602) And along these lines, there should be a method of estimating how the young men are restored, and their locale should be included, just as their folks and companions. Equity implies decency. It implies uprightness, unprejudiced nature, genuineness, and honesty. Equity ought to be estimated by the casualties themselves, they ought to get the chance to see their attackers experience the ill effects of their errors. That is the thing that equity is about. These kid attackers need to observe equity direct with the goal for it to have any influence ct on them. (Garcet ti 588-590) A discipline that can approve such a hiesous wrongdoing should be very innovative. One could simply yell tit for tat! As Mark Costanzo surrenders, even the regularly misjudged 'tit for tat' section in the book of scriptures was intended to control as opposed to require retribution. (592) But that isn't the manner by which our legal framework works, despite the fact that it would be reasonable. Still there are others, similar to Bradley O'Leary who suggests that the punishment?should fit the wrongdoing, not the age of the rough guilty party. As a general public, we can't show any compassion toward, or pardons from, the adolescent thugs?who are wrecking our schools and neighborhoods. (590) These young men will be rebuffed, as they ought to be, yet their appointed authority has a chance to change their lives for eternity. In the event that Train Your Children Well Essays - Justice, Philosophy Of Law Instruct Your Children Well New California law expresses that it is up to the examiners for a situation with regards to whether minors are charged as grown-ups for savage wrongdoings. What should an appointed authority do when eight young men from rural white collar class families, admit to furnished theft and threatening behavior of five Hispanic foreigner homestead laborers? For this situation, one must acknowledge what a sensitive circumstance this has become. Whenever attempted as grown-ups these eight young men could go through their next sixteen years in adolescent detainment. They were portrayed as being 'acceptable young men's with no different stamps on their records. With just one explanation behind carrying out such a wrongdoing, these young men need to confront their prejudice while equity is being served, with non-customary discipline that will show an extraordinary exercise. As upper-working class, better than expected understudies, even a few competitors, these young men clearly don't have a clue what life is about. Specialists said that the young men were explicitly searching for Hispanic laborers to assault, with the goal that shows the young men had some sort of intention. These days where Americans have a should be treated as equivalent; equivalent open door businesses, equivalent rights for men, ladies, African-American, Chinese-American, and each other gathering of individuals in this nation, one would imagine that some place along the line kids would get the message that we are no different. Kids ought to be instructed to adore, not loathe. It is agonizing to see such a wrongdoing submitted only for the negligible truth that they were extraordinary. Didn't detest wrongdoings end in the sixties? How can it be that despite everything guardians can't or won't impart in their youngsters standards of an equivalent human race? Dark or white, earthy col ored or red, rich or poor, would we say we aren't no different when you flip off the lights? I am not saying that I think this is altogether the guardians' deficiency, yet they do need to assume fault. At the age these young men are at, their folks are a portion of their couple of good examples, and they generally will be, yet at this age, guardians are the most persuasive individuals in a youngster's life, nothing can approach a mother's contempt, or a dads acclaim. In that sense as well, youngsters have faith in what their folks put stock in, not on the grounds that it is correct, but since it is the main way they know. Along these lines, guardians should watch when they state they despise somebody or some gathering and we should all attempt to be better individuals, for our kids. (Gil Garcetti 588-590) In a wrongdoing this rough, thinking about the aggressors and their casualties, a proportion of equity should be served. The attackers need to assume liability for their activities. Be that as it may, sixteen years in an adolescent detainment office doesn't appear the most appropriate answer. James Twitchell accepts that, as of late the containers of the law are at long last understanding that disgrace has a spot in discipline. (602) And along these lines, there should be a method of estimating how the young men are restored, and their locale should be included, just as their folks and companions. Equity implies decency. It implies exemplary nature, unbiasedness, genuineness, and uprightness. Equity ought to be estimated by the casualties themselves, they ought to get the opportunity to see their aggressors experience the ill effects of their slip-ups. That is the thing that equity is about. These kid aggressors need to observe equity direct with the end goal for it to have any influ ence ct on them. (Garcetti 588-590) A discipline that can approve such a hiesous wrongdoing should be very innovative. One could simply yell tit for tat! As Mark Costanzo yields, even the frequently confused 'tit for tat' entry in the book of scriptures was intended to limit as opposed to require retribution. (592) But that isn't the manner by which our legal framework works, in spite of the fact that it would be reasonable. Still there are others, similar to Bradley O'Leary who suggests that the punishment?should fit the wrongdoing, not the age of the vicious wrongdoer. As a general public, we can't show any compassion toward, or pardons from, the young thugs?who are pulverizing our schools and neighborhoods. (590) These young men will be rebuffed, as they ought to be, however their appointed authority has a chance to change their lives for eternity. On the off chance that
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Change In Leadership And Leadership Strategies †Free Samples
Question: Examine about the Change In Leadership And Leadership Strategies. Answer: Presentation The changing business condition requires an adjustment in authority and administration techniques with the goal for associations to meet their objectives. Pioneers lead groups, which thusly structure gatherings. Groups are limited by a mental factor and there is reliance inside the group, like a gathering, then again, actually for gatherings, the mental component is absent. The viability and execution of groups and gatherings inside an association to a great extent relies upon initiative. Pioneers must have certain qualities and attributes to play out the double jobs of driving and overseeing; to oversee successfully, one must have administration abilities and to lead, one must oversee groups and gatherings. Initiative and overseeing are in this way, commonly comprehensive. Administration is the way toward controlling, coordinating, moving, and propelling staff groups or gatherings) towards the acknowledgment of characterized hierarchical objectives. To lead adequately, the pioneer m ust be a ruler, a help to move individuals, and be a mentor to manage groups. However the practices and attributes of pioneers decide how successfully they lead groups and gatherings and empower the whole association meet its objectives. To accomplish a particular objective, pioneers must pick an administration way that suits their aptitudes and the conditions. With current weights to perform, pioneers are effortlessly enticed to small scale oversee, or potentially center around needs that don't enhance the association or the client. Time is a rare asset in the speech of pioneers yet viable pioneers of the cutting edge age should of need make time consistently to ruminate on the master plan. When discussing the master plan, supervisors must require some investment and fundamentally consider answers to the basic inquiries of; The reason and reason their association exists, what esteem it does or doesn't offer customer why and how their contribution conveys an incentive to clients. Pioneers should likewise look for answers to the subject of the worth it add to investors and the business and the conduct of the individuals in the association. By addressing these inquiries adequately and exchanging between full scale overseeing and somewhat small scale overseeing, pioneers can coordinate the energies of their staff towards these objectives, the 10,000 foot view. This paper talks about the subject of how pioneers can concentrate more on the master plan with regards to administration speculations and initiative sorts, explicitly situational and possibility practices and the postmodern, value-based and transformational authority styles, and the need to challenge and change present viewpoints on authority towards full range authority where pioneers direct workers instead of discount embrace of strengthening, whic h is the standard. Conversation Groups are associated mentally to work reliantly so as to accomplish a particular objective or point. Groups structure gatherings, which share likenesses with groups, then again, actually it comes up short on the mental association. Associations are made of little groups that structure bunches by and large known as representatives (Britton 2014). The noticeable worldview is that representatives appreciate work when they are independent; that the way to being glad busy working for workers and subsequently being increasingly gainful is being self-sufficient as it makes strengthening. Self-rule at the work environment infers having a vocation where one can settle on certain choices and individuals think that its critical to see they have options and that any activities is because of their own volition and that they affect their activities. Self-governance is among the most fundamental and profoundly significant mental needs of people, as indicated by Van-sanctum Broeck et al., (2010). S elf-governance has been set up to be a significant interceding factor in work fulfillment and employment qualities (Millette Gagna?e 2008). Be that as it may, this strengthening of representatives requires a few limits all together that it gets important since the enabled workers with their independence and opportunity wind up thrashing. This happens in light of the fact that the enabled and self-sufficient representatives are uncertain about whether whatever they are doing is the thing that the pioneers need and that they are using the assets and time accessible to them in the most ideal manner conceivable as they don't have a very much characterized authoritative objective to move in the direction of, something that can be accomplished through large scale the executives and prescriptive initiative (Johnson 2016). To most pioneers, time is consistently on the premium, thus they center around handling the needs that don't really increase the value of the significant things that ought to characterize the association or invest more energy micromanaging workers, something that doesn't really improve profitability (White Jr. 2010) and can be counterproductive. The fixation on the shortage of time with the end goal that directors can't extra time for ordinary things as looking for addresses on significant inquiries that should drive hierarchical strategy and outlook is causing associations to lose focal point of the significant issues (Freeman 2014). Further, numerous chiefs will in general maintain a strategic distance from prescriptive administration for engaging workers and giving them more noteworthy self-governance. Be that as it may, the cutting edge business condition requires the executives authority, which requires pioneers that are both transformational and value-based. To provide a guidan ce that workers must follow, the overseeing pioneer must look for answers to the significant inquiries of the reason and reason their association exists, what esteem it does or doesn't offer customer why and how their contribution conveys an incentive to clients. Pioneers should likewise look for answers to the topic of the worth it add to investors and the business and the conduct of the individuals in the association. This will give a reasonable course and require some remedy administration to temper representative strengthening and self-rule (Riggio Reichard 2008), (Johnson 2016). In the pots present day world, the worker chief is alluring; the hireling head is a hireling that engages and relates stories, is a visionary hermaphroditic, organize widely, and is a group developer (Sendjaya Pekerti 2010). As indicated by Johnson (2016) pioneers must ask themselves the intense inquiries identifying with their associations reason and the worth they give clients and investors before settling on a vital course. Pioneers must system more, look for input from individuals and sources that will scrutinize them and put them to task over their thoughts. By continually posing the hard inquiries, association pioneers will have the option to offer better initiative by making groups as opposed to letting bunches prosper inside the association. They will get visionary and engage the groups they assemble, while making collaboration and giving guidance to all colleagues so the organization has a shared objective. This will help change the hierarchical culture and pepper strengthening and self-governance with course and reason improving the change and alteration in the authoritative culture towards objectives that increase the value of clients, the organization, and its investors. Without viable admini stration of HR, even the most gifted representatives become less gainful when they are not provided a reasonable guidance. The pioneer, in looking for answers to the basic inquiries of what esteem the association includes and the reason for its reality, ought to guarantee they know about the predominant circumstance; situational mindfulness and interest just as inspiration will accomplish more noteworthy effects (Manser 2009). The postmodern pioneer is a worker that must place more noteworthy accentuation on large scale the executives, with the incidental micromanaging scenes to assist them with understanding their representatives in order to construct better groups and change their mentality to line up with the full scale the executives standards of understanding why the association exists and the worth the association offers. By understanding their representatives, the pioneer will work with center level administrators that comprehend the association vision dependent on full scale the executives rules that try to comprehend and address inquiries on the motivation behind the association and the worth the association gives clients and investors. The advanced overseeing pioneer must be a compelling communicator too; subsequent to finding solutions on the subject of association reason and worth they give, the overseeing pioneer needs to adequately convey these goals to representatives and make powerful group s all the while, while proceeding to guide and tutor and mentor them (Sendjaya Pekerti 2010). Pioneers must utilize the negative to settle on decisions, for example, what occurs on the off chance that they don't accomplish something; pioneers also should think from the perspective of no cash, coordinate with various new gatherings to assist them with assessing and look at the suitability of their vital headings and assist them with fining tune their message to provide guidance to the groups they construct. The cutting edge supervisor must be at the same time take part in smaller scale the executives just as full scale the board to encourage positive authoritative culture change and steer the association towards satisfying the reason for its reality, making the ideal incentive for clients, and increasing the value of itself (the association), just as to investors and proprietors (Johnson 2016). End Current administration challenges have caused administrators to accept there is no time for ruminating and looking for answers to central inquiries of the reason for an associations presence, its incentive to clients and the worth it adds to investors and the organization. The cutting edge proverb of worker strengthening has been counterproductive in light of the fact that the enabled representatives, even the best, become dubious when they don't have an unmistakable course to coordinate their endeavors and assets. The advanced world requires the postmodern worker pioneer and supervisor that utilization solution just as compelling correspondence and training to pass their message to groups they work so as to intercede an authoritative social change that is equipped towards esteem expansion and comprehension the
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Strategies for Significantly Reducing Employee Churn
Strategies for Significantly Reducing Employee Churn Employees in the modern world don’t tend to stick around with a single company throughout their careers. Whilst there are many reasons for employees departing ways with an organization, high employee churn rate can be detrimental for a business. © Shutterstock | EpicStockMediaIn this guide, we’ll explore why organizations should actively work to reduce the employee churn rate and explore the reasons behind it. We’ll also tell you how to analyze and assess the churn rate, and present five effective strategies for reducing employee churn.WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO REDUCE EMPLOYEE CHURN RATE?Employee churn rate, which refers to the number of employees leaving the organization and being replaced by a new employee, is a serious issue for many of today’s companies.In fact, the first reason organizations should care about the rate is simply down to it happening often in most companies and industries.Life Work Solutions’, a company providing retention and consulting services, research found in 2008, that half of recruits across sectors leave the organization within two years. One in four recruits pack their backs within six months. Furthermore, the study found around 70% of organizations struggling to replace these spots swift ly.The second essential factor in caring about the employee churn rate relates directly to the above. High employee churn rate and the difficulties in finding replacement also mean high costs for the organization.Right Management, a career and talent consulting firm, found in its research that it costs nearly three times an employee’s salary to replace them. In another similar study, the Center for American Progress found it costs 1/5 of the annual salary of the employee. In fact, in the Life Work Solutions study, 70% of the organizations didn’t only complain about the struggle of finding a replacement, but also the negative financial impact it has on them.What are the costs associated to employee churn?Finding the new recruit â€" Including hiring a recruitment company, spending money on setting applications, etc.Severance â€" In certain instances, the organization might be required to pay severance to the employee.Losses in productivity â€" While the organization is looking for a replacement, it might suffer from decreased productivity.Lost opportunities â€" The employee might have been highly talented and this can be a financial lost opportunity, for instance.Training the new recruit â€" Whether the organization transfers someone to the new role within the company or hires someone new, the training process will add extra costs.Finally, higher levels of employee churn can pose an operational challenge for the organization. Continuous changes in the workforce can affect the company culture, which can suffer consequently. It’s difficult to build a good team if the turnover is high. Furthermore, the overall morale of the remaining employees might drop if people around them are leaving. If they need to also take on additional responsibilities, then productivity and morale can be further impacted.In service industries, high churn rate can also impact client relationships. Building a strong relationship is harder if the manager of the relationship is constant ly changing.Read this worldwide trend report on employee retention.[slideshare id=13519368doc=worldwidetrendsinemployeeretention-120702131700-phpapp01type=dw=640h=330]WHAT ARE THE CAUSES FOR HIGH EMPLOYEE CHURN?There are numerous reasons for higher employee churn. Certain causes are easier to manage, but there are also those, which can be difficult to control.The hard to manage reasons for high employee churn rate include:Harsh economic conditions in the area or the industry.Local labor market conditions.Both of these can be difficult to predict and therefore, organizations can find it hard to manage or prevent them.But certain operational factors also influence the employee churn rate and can be managed by a company.Non-rewarding job positions â€" Employees might feel pressure to leave for a more rewarding role.No route for career development â€" Employees don’t feel the organization offers the ability to ‘climb up the ladder’.Poor working conditions â€" Health and safety con cerns are not taken seriously by the organization and this can damage employee relations.Ill-natured role â€" The employee might also feel discouraged if the job is monotonous, dangerous or outright stressful.Poor employee and organization fit â€" Sometimes the employee and the organization just don’t have the same goals and work ethic.Poor communication or inadequate job training â€" Inadequate communication within the organization can lead to loss of morale and if the employee is not properly trained for the role, they can also seek opportunities elsewhere.Poor leadership â€" It’s also important to examine the leadership and management style and culture within the organization, if turnover is high.Finally, it must be mentioned competition can also lead to increases in employee churn rate. If competitors offer better compensation packages or better career opportunities, employees might seek for positions in these organizations instead. It is important to stay on top of the com petition in order to keep the best employees within your organization.FIRST STEP TO DECREASE EMPLOYEE CHURN RATE: ANALYSE YOUR CURRENT SITUATIONBefore we examine the individual strategies your organization can implement to reduce employee churn, you first need to understand the current situation within your company. Understanding the current employee churn rate, as well as its effects, will make it easier to tackle them.There are three questions you must answer in order to understand your need for action.1. How high is your employee churn rate?You must first assess and measure the company’s churn rate and situation. The churn rate can be calculated by dividing the annual termination number by the average number of employees in the organization.For a more detailed take on the calculation, check the below video tutorial: The higher the churn rate, the bigger your problem. The severity of the rate depends a bit on your industry, as well as the other points discussed below, but you de finitely don’t want it to be above industry or the national average. For example, in the UK, the average churn rate is around 15% a year, but some industries might have higher churn averages.Once you know the churn rate, you should start examining the reasons behind it. Is it something specific within the organization making employees leave?2. What are the costs of your employee churn rate?Once you know the churn rate, you should calculate the cost of employee turnover. You need to look at your organization specifically and include any costs necessary for the calculation.For example, you need to count the cost of different strategies you might use to reduce the rate. If you increase employee benefits, then these need to be considered as part of the cost of employee churn rate.3. How can you decrease/prevent employee churn rate?Finally, you need to start considering the different ways to decrease and prevent employee churn rate. The above points will help you get started, as you un derstand the depth of the issue and the costs associated with it.Developing the right employee retention strategies involves an understanding of the company culture and often requires small or big changes within the organisation. Below we’ll provide you with five different strategies, which can all help reduce employee churn rate.FIVE STRATEGIES FOR REDUCING EMPLOYEE CHURNLet’s now examine some of the most effective strategies used for keeping employees happy and wanting to remain in your organization.Strategy 1: Hire the right fitOne of the easiest ways to stop employees leaving is to ensure they are the right fit for the company in the first place. Therefore, you can significantly reduce your churn rate by focusing more on the recruitment process.It’s important to clearly define the role and position you are recruiting for. You shouldn’t just focus on the required skill set, but the kind of candidate that would excel in this role. Aim to talk about the benefits to the cand idate as well, since you want the right candidates to apply. You need to explain the company culture and the vision to ensure it matches the candidate’s career goals.The recruitment process shouldn’t focus too much on skill testing. A proper recruitment process should instead include the following components:Behavior-based testingCompetency testingBackground checkOrganizational fit analysisFuture development analysisMotivational and goal oriented approachFurthermore, it’s beneficial to use trial periods on most roles, as they help you further assess the compatibility. This is not only beneficial to your organization, but also helps the candidate see whether they enjoy the role or not. Trial period will be less costly, even if the candidate decides to leave, than hiring someone and having him or her quit within a year.Finally, employee referrals should be a key tool in your recruitment process. Jobvite’s research shows HR executives consider referrals as the top source of qua lity hires. In addition, referral hires are proven more loyal, with 46% of referrals staying for over three years or more. For new hires from job boards, the rate is only 14%.Strategy 2: Improve career development and trainingYour organization also needs to continually motivate and challenge its employees. Improved career development and training can help employees feel more valued in their role. It can also give them a more positive outlook about future prospects. For example, training can tell the employee you are investing in them for the long haul.These training sessions and development plans are good at creating an environment of ‘looking towards the future’. The skills the employees gain feel important and they have a specific purpose and need in the future within your organization.The following slides will some basic insights on developing employees.[slideshare id=32823092doc=trainingdevelopment-140327143238-phpapp02w=640h=330]But training also has the important role of e nsuring the job doesn’t become too difficult for the employee. It provides support for the employee, as they feel they don’t have to solve new problems or challenges alone.Positive feedback should be part of your career development objectives as well. It is crucial to continuously communicate with the employee about their role and to do so in a constructive and supportive manner. You definitely shouldn’t only provide feedback when the employee does something wrong. In fact, it’s important to reward good behavior and support successes, even the smallest achievements.One auspicious strategy to consider is the implementation of a mentoring program. The mentoring program is a great way to provide support and create a goal-oriented feedback structure.Strategy 3: Focus on happy and flexible work cultureAn organization with an unhappy work culture is unlikely going to retain its employees. Even if the role is rewarding, the communication between co-workers and the general atmospher e at the company do play a major role in keeping employees motivated and excited to come to work.It’s crucial to guarantee the work culture is respectful and supportive. Everyone should feel welcomed in the workplace and equal in terms of the respect they enjoy.The focus of creating a positive work culture should be in:Establishing effective communication strategies. Information should flow easily between different departments and within a team. Employees at all levels should also have a clear channel to raise concerns without the fear of punishment.Providing enough support, especially during challenging times. Every organization will face difficulties and employees can face challenges in their personal lives. There should always be enough support available during challenges to guarantee the employee doesn’t feel alone.Creating a friendly and respectful work environment for all. Today’s companies include people from all walks of life â€" Workforce is often a mixture of men, wo men, young, old, and different ethnicities and religions also meet up at the workplace. It is essential to ensure there is no discrimination or bullying within the organization.Valuing employee effort adequately. This doesn’t simply refer to financial rewards, but also to a culture of positive feedback and praise.Your organization should also embrace flexibility. A flexible work environment is much less likely to leave employees feeling burnt out. Employees are also much more likely to stay in flexible work environment rather than work in an inflexible company.When you are transforming your organizations work environment, pay attention to the following points:Offer the option of flexible working hours whenever possible.Provide employees with the ability to occasionally work from home (if possible).Create a flexible holiday plan, which allows employees a bigger voice in deciding when they take a leave.Discuss work/life balance issues within the workplace and provide additional supp ort for employee’s who are struggling:This could be the option to share certain tasks with others.Receive medical help and consultation.Become a family friendly employer by offering different perks like:Corporate kindergarten, if your organization is big enough.Family flexible holidays around the time school holidays are.Proper parental leave options for both mothers and fathers.A study by the Boston College Center for Work Family found that 80% employees felt flexible workplace has positively affected retention rates. In another study, almost 40% of American adults surveyed said they have considered or left a job due to inflexibility.Strategy 4: Provide appropriate compensation and benefitsNaturally, there should also be enough focus on the financial compensation. Whilst a flexible and supportive work culture can be a great start for keeping employees happy, you also need to ensure the role is financially satisfying. Employees might find leaving a great work culture behind harde r, but if competitors are offering a lot more money, the better earnings potential might seal the deal.When considering the financial compensation, keep these two points in mind:Always aim to pay above the minimum wage. Employees will find it hard to stay motivated if they struggle financially, even though they put a lot of effort into the work they do.Consider competition as a benchmark. If your competition pays better, your best employees are more likely to leave.In addition, you should consider providing other long-term incentives for talented employees. These could be in the form of bonuses and different profit-sharing plans. Remember to regularly assess and adjust the compensation package to ensure you stay ahead of competition.Furthermore, financial compensation should also come in the form of different benefits and non-cash perks.For instance, you should offer appropriate health and welfare plans for the employees, including an adequate retirement plan. Other perks could be h elp with childcare or even house care. You could also offer different loyalty programs for travel or fitness schemes.Strategy 5: Embrace the wider communityFinally, your organization can reduce employee churn rate by being an active member of the wider community. Employees respect companies, which are focused on the common good and embracing a positive attitude towards helping local community groups.Your company should allow employees to partake in voluntary events, as this can improve the wider employee culture. For example, different voluntary events could include the families and local neighborhoods, which can help create a larger sense of belonging to a family.Embracing the wider community shows the employee that the company is doing something good. This can in return make them feel more appreciated. Corporate social responsibility can ensure employees don’t feel they are just a member of a faceless corporation, but an active member of a company, which is trying to achieve som ething positive.IN CONCLUSIONEmployee churn rate is something companies in today’s competitive business environment need to take seriously. Not only can high levels of employee churn result in knowledge and talent drainage, it can also have a dire financial effect on the company.It is therefore essential to properly understand the organizations churn rate and evaluate the reasons behind it. Organizations should focus on proactive strategies, which help create a more flexible and positive work culture and provide adequate support and financial compensation to their employees.By applying these strategies, companies can actively tackle the problems of employee churn.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Different Approaches to Adolescent and Teenage Pregnancy in the United States - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2185 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/04/05 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Teenage Pregnancy Essay Did you like this example? Introduction When one thinks of adolescent and teenage pregnancy, the first image that often comes to mind is the stereotypical depiction that appears in movies. The girl is often called a slut or a whore, and she gets berated as she walks down the school hallways, head down, counting the minutes until she can escape the continuous ridicule. According to the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF), the term teenage pregnancy encompasses all births to women ages 13-19 and the World Health Organization (WHO) even includes ages 10-12 as well (Adolescent[WHO]; World). Though some may deny the prevalence of adolescent and teenage pregnancy in todays society, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) affirm that over 229,700 babies were born to 15-19-year-old women in 2015 alone (Reproductive). Though this number constitutes a low amount for the United States (U.S.), the developed country with the highest rate of teenage pregnancy, it is still extremely high; fortunately, rates have been decreasing steadily since 1990 (Reproductive; Teen; Trends). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Different Approaches to Adolescent and Teenage Pregnancy in the United States" essay for you Create order It is imperative to address this problem because adolescent and teenage pregnancy is known to have a tremendously large impact on the social, emotional, and physical health of the mother, which can also affect her child. For example, UNICEF certifies that the likelihood of teenage mothers to seek prenatal care is not nearly as high as women who are in their twenties or beyond, and this fact combined with the underdevelopment of younger girls bodies can result in a multitude of various complications, including premature or underweight babies (World). There are a variety of other implications to keep in mind as well. For instance, teenage pregnancy often leads to a dependence on alcohol or other substances, depression or other mental illness with potentially fatal results, home environments without a father figure for the child, and an assortment of social repercussions (Adolescent[WHO]; Reproductive; Swierzewski; World). On a similar note, multiple sources discussed the decreased like lihood of the mother to finish her education, and Stanley J. Swierzewski, III, M.D., confirms that approximately one-third of young women who become pregnant do not graduate from high school. Additionally, Lisa Shuger, former Director of Public Policy at the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, notes that two percent of teenage moms complete their college degree by the age of 30. This greatly reduces a young mothers ability to support not only herself, but her child as well, as her potential to earn money significantly declines (Brace). On that note, it is important to consider a teen moms reliance on government assistance programs and the economic impact of adolescent and teenage pregnancies in general. For example, researchers for the Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association found a difference of almost $10,000 between the average salary of a high school dropout and a high school graduate (Brace). This often results in heavy dependence on health care services and government aid in general, contributing to monumental costs for taxpayers. For instance, associated costs amounted to more than $9.4 billion in 2010 for things such as lost tax revenue due to diminished levels of high school graduates, imprisonment increases regarding teenage mothers and fathers, and an increased reliance on foster care and health care services (Reproductive). Due to the impact of teenage pregnancy on said economic costs and other aspects of society, it can very clearly be deemed as a community health problem. Analysis As time has passed, researchers and scientists have developed multiple strategies to combat the prevalence of adolescent and teenage pregnancy. Since society has changed, claiming that abstinence is key is no longer realistic. The CDC confirms that 40 percent of high school students in 2017 engaged in sexual intercourse at least once, an extreme difference from time periods such as the 1950s (Sexual). That percentage is lower than previous years, and it is the lowest in the history of the survey, but it is still much greater than zero. Rather than condemning sexual relations as a concept, professionals have instead advocated for increased and expanded access to contraceptives. This idea is present in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 with the emphasis on preventive measures. Under the ACA, insurance companies are required to provide coverage for a multitude of contraceptive methods without out-of-pocket costs for women (Taylor). According to a survey from the Guttmacher Institute , 50-63% of womens reasons for using contraceptive methods focused on family care, financial means, finishing education, or establishing themselves in the work force (Sonfield). With this reasoning in mind, expanding access to contraceptives is a responsible way to prevent unplanned events. If we look at this on a larger scale, there have been multiple studies that linked increased access to contraceptive methods and changing social attitudes to lower rates of adolescent and teenage pregnancies across different countries around the world. For example, the Netherlands is known for its widespread acceptance of contraceptives, open communication about family planning, low abortion and teen pregnancy rates, and overall nondiscriminatory environment relating to these matters, which is different from the approach used by a large portion of other countries in the world, including the U.S. (Adolescent[Guttmacher]; Ketting). To put this into perspective, for every 1,000 adolescents, the U.S. had 57 pregnancies, while the Netherlands only had 14 per 1000 adolescents in 2010 (Sedgh). If the U.S. adopted a similar system and implemented it over a period of time, one could conclude that the stigma behind these measures might finally be overcome, leading to safer, smarter decisions a nd lower rates of adolescent and teenage pregnancy. Another approach that has been suggested is improving the curriculum of health classes in middle schools, junior high schools, and high schools across the country. Since every child is required by law to attend school, it is only logical that these classes present accurate information in a cohesive manner so students understand the true consequences of unprotected sex. According to the CDC, teaching younger children about contraceptive use and their purposes, such as STI and STD prevention, tends to be more effective than waiting to educate them about it when they are older (Why). Additionally, according to a study conducted by the Guttmacher Institute, the number of high schools that teach a variety of sex education topics, including the correct use of a condom, contraceptive methods, reproductive anatomy, abstinence, and more, declined between the years of 2000 and 2014 from around 55-96 percent to less than 40-80 percent (Programs). If schools bolster their curriculum and utilize resources from accredited organizations that fit the specific youth population present in their community, the effects could include a lower rate of not only adolescent and teenage pregnancy but of STI and STD transmission as well. The study also mentioned an interesting side perspective: some adolescents who want to prepare and educate themselves turn to the internet rather than broaching the conversation with their parents or asking their health teachers. However, the Guttmacher Institute found that almost 50 percent of the websites that contained information about contraceptives were erroneous and unreliable (Programs). Because it is nearly impossible to monitor all the websites that deal with these and related subjects, it becomes imperative for parents to take an active role in addition to the regulated school curriculum. The CDC confirms the importance of the role parents play in their childs sexual education, and their role has been linked to increased contraception use and abstinence (Martinez). Since 70 percent of teenage males and 79 percent of teenage females engaged in a conversation with their parents about a sex-related topic between 2006 and 2008, one can easily grasp the importance of parents ro les in sex education (Martinez). It is important to note the idea of abstinence-only education programs and how they are largely ineffective despite the large amount of federal funding provided to them. An organization based in Washington, D.C. that works with over 28,000 health care providers called Advocates for Youth conducted a study that showed not only the abstinence-only programs lack of long-term impact, let alone success, but also accounted for the decreased likelihood of adolescents to use a variety of contraceptive methods (Programs; Truth). A more effective method would be to educate the youth on all the different options when it comes to their sexual health. By providing them with all the facts, increased abstinence can occur, not necessarily from scaring them into STI/STD and teen pregnancy avoidance, but rather by keeping them informed to make their own mature decisions. As teenage pregnancy is known to be one of the CDCs highest priority issues, evidence-based prevention programs have been heavily endorsed by the agency in the efforts to combat the problem (Reproductive). There are almost 50 programs that passed the rigorous examination known as the Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Evidence Review. The programs are run through the Office of Adolescent Health which is based within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Frequently). Some initiatives focus on five components to fully reach all members of a community. According to the CDC, those five components are community mobilization and sustainability, evidence-based programs, increasing youth access to contraceptive and reproductive health care services, stakeholder education, and working with diverse communities (Communitywide). These have been established as the most important elements to keep in mind in addressing adolescent and teenage pregnancy. An example of an evidence-based progr am is one known as Get Real, which focuses on the middle school curriculum with the ultimate purpose of helping to delay sexual relations until after eighth grade. It is comprised of both in-school lessons that are implemented in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade, and activities that are completed at home with their parents. It was reviewed to be of moderate quality and is distributed by a program success center for sexual and reproductive health known as ETR (Goesling). Grants are also provided to organizations so they can have the flexibility to choose the program that best fits the needs of their community, and over 200 have been granted at this point in time (Blackman; Its). Though there have been some attempts to dismantle the TPP Program, it is important to note that teenage pregnancy and birth rates have greatly decreased by more than 40 percent since the enactment of TPP in 2010 through 2016. Additionally, the program has been unprecedented in its use of research and findings to continually work towards better, more effective solutions, and is supported by 85 percent of adults, an amount comprised of both political parties (Its). Conclusion Overall, there have been a variety of approaches to the important community health problem that is adolescent and teenage pregnancy as scientists, researchers, and doctors alike have realized the impact that young moms can have on their surrounding communities, especially economically. If the importance of teen pregnancy continues to be emphasized, this problem can potentially reach eradication in the United States. Moving forward, it is important for a variety of things to occur. For example, doctors should make sure parents are adequately prepared to address sex-related concepts with their children, as they play extremely important roles in their development, including establishing precedents for their sexual health. Similarly, school health curriculum must continue to strive to be as informative as possible, as the CDC affirms that 83 percent of teenagers had not received any form of sex education before they first engaged in sexual relations (Preventing). Some changes might need to be made in different schools involving the grades at which the students are first educated on the topics, and these should all be evaluated on a regular or school-by-school basis. It has been scientifically proven that teen birth rates have continuously fallen since 1990-91. For U.S. teenagers in the age group of 15 to 19, the rate has declined 64 percent since 1991, and when specifically focusing on 15- to 17-year-olds, their rate has decreased 74 percent (Hamilton). These declines could be attributed to individual factors or a combination of multiple. Because of the increased importance that has been placed on contraceptive availability, the passing of the ACA in 2010 and the enactment of the TPP program, the revitalized emphasis on the importance of sex education and parental involvement, and the overall evolving atmosphere of teenage sexual relations, many things have contributed to the continuous decline of teen birth rates for the past two decades. After analyzing the plethora of available options to combat this pressing issue, I believe the continued implementation of evidence-based programs would be the best way to continue progress. These evidence-based programs reference the importance of contraceptive availability, health education, and family involvement, all of which I mentioned earlier as separate approaches. By utilizing the whole impact of the programs and by focusing on the emphasis on evidence to support all claims at every step of the process, this approach is likely to be well-received by communities around the country. There will still be stubborn, ignorant people who only believe in abstinence and will prevent their children from receiving sexual education, but as time progresses, people may continue to become more and more open-minded. In conclusion, there is much that can be done regarding adolescent and teenage pregnancy. If these actions are continually taken, the country will be improved, not just for young mothers and their children, but entire communities as well.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
System Software Application Software Free Essays
string(172) " is the latest public release version of Microsoft Windows, it can be applied to home and business desktops, laptops, notebooks, netbook, tablet PCs, and media center PCs\." TABLE OF CONTENTS [pic] 1) Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ P. We will write a custom essay sample on System Software Application Software or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2 2) Identify Software Categories 1. Definition of System Software†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. P. 3-4 2. Definition of Application Software†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦. P. 5 3. The difference between system software and application software†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. P. 6-7 3) Two examples of system software and the benefits 1. Microsoft Windows 7†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦P. 8-12 2. Mac OSX†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦P. 13-14 4) Two examples of application software and the benefits 1. Excel†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚ ¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. P. 15-16 2. PowerPoint †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦.. P. 17-18 5) Five Features of Microsoft Word†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦P. 19-20 1. Copy and Paste 2. Spell Checker 3. Find and Replace 4. Add Bullets and Number 5. Mail Merge 6) Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. P. 21 1. INTRODUCTION [pic] Christy is our new customer and she is a beginner for using computer. Base on her situation, I would like to introduce some kinds of software suit her. For better customer service, I will explain the background information benefits details for her. For a good start , I have chosen the most popular and latest version of the operation system; Microsoft Window 7 and Mac OS X, they are easy to learn and simple to use. Moreover, Microsoft Office is a useful, most common and user-friendly application package for a starter. Excel, is an electronic spreadsheet program which help you to handle all your data. PowerPoint is a complete and professional presentation package. These are the essential tools for her first step in entering the computer world. 2. IDENTIFY SOFTWARE CATEGORIES [pic] Software (Computer Software) is often divided into two categories: †¢ System Software †¢ Application Software 1. Definition of System software System Software used to operate the computer hardware, to provide resources and maintain a platform for running application programs. The set of instructions or programs of System Software can make up or create a basic environment for the applications software to work. They are responsible for controlling, integrating and managing the individual hardware components. Actually, it runs at the most basic level of your computer and the background; it is called â€Å"low-level†software. It generates the user interface and allows the operating system to interact with the hardware. It can be seen as the basics of a computer which come built-in or pre-installed. †¢ Types of system software †¢ Computer BIOS and device firmware, which is stored on non-volatile memory. They provide basic functionality to operate and control hardware connected to or built into the computer. †¢ The operating system (such as Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux), which supervise and control of the input and output of data from the computer and the others peripherals. It can be allows to transfer data between memory and disks or rendering output onto a display device. It provides a platform to run high-level system software and application software. And also it handles error routines, communication with the operator; ensure the efficient use of the CPU and the other devices. †¢ Utility software, which helps to analyze, configure, optimize and maintain the computer. 2. IDENTIFY SOFTWARE CATEGORIES [pic] [pic] [pic][pic] 2. IDENTIFY SOFTWARE CATEGORIES [pic] 2. Definition of Application software Application Software is a computer program designed to help the user perform a particular task or a certain type of work. This is a set of programs, which will comply with the user’s requirement. An application allows users to accomplish more than one specific function, such as a word processor, web browsers, e-mail programs, databases, desk top publishing, digital image and voice processing. Multiple applications bundled together as a package referred as an application suite. One typical example is MS Office, which bundles together with word processor, a spreadsheet, and several other discrete applications. The tailors systems can meet the user’s specific needs, for example the accounting system or inventory system. [pic] [pic] 2. IDENTIFY SOFTWARE CATEGORIES [pic] 2. 3. The difference between system software and application software System software consists of programs that run in the background, enabling applications to work smoothly. These programs include assemblers, compilers, file management tools, and the operating system itself. While system software is automatically installed with the operating system, you can choose which application you want to install. Application software is different from system software or middleware, which is involved in integrating a computer various capabilities, but typically does not directly apply to the performance of tasks. The purpose of system software is to insulate the application program as much as possible from the details of the particular computer complex, especially memory and other hardware features. Such accessory devices are communications, printers, readers, displays, keyboards, etc. Application software is often purchased separately from computer hardware. Sometimes applications are bundled with the computer but they always run as independent applications, since they are often tailored for specific platforms. The separate applications in a suite usually have many common user interfaces which make it easier to learn and use and they may interact with each other. For example: PowerPoint file can be combining with a spreadsheet and a word documents. Therefore, application software determines what processing is done by the computer. System software determines how that processing will be done. 2. IDENTIFY SOFTWARE CATEGORIES [pic] 2. 3. The difference between system software and application software pic] Operating System and Application Software This diagram shows the components of the operating system and typical application programs that run in a desktop computer. 3. Two examples of system software and the benefits [pic] One of software categories is system software; the most important type is operating system (OS) . It is an interface be tween hardware and users, responsible for the management and coordination of activities and the sharing of the resources. Base on the above criteria, I have selected two typical and common examples, which are Microsoft Windows 7 and Mac OS X. [pic] A layer structure showing where operating system is located on generally used software systems on desktops. 1. Microsoft Windows 7 Nowadays Microsoft Windows dominates the personal computer world, it shares nearly 90% of PC market. Windows provides a graphical user interface (GUI), virtual memory management, multitasking, and support for many peripheral devices. Windows 7 is the latest public release version of Microsoft Windows, it can be applied to home and business desktops, laptops, notebooks, netbook, tablet PCs, and media center PCs. You read "System Software Application Software" in category "Essay examples" Windows 7 aim at â€Å"making your PC simpler. , it was released on October 2009. It was designed for different types of market ,such as Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate. 3. Two examples of system software and the benefits [pic] Windows 7 would be more â€Å"user-centric†and focus on performance improvements. Microsoft was using a variety method to trace and measure the performance. On the other words, it is not only compatible with Vista and designate that it would be a refined version of Windows Vista. Benefits Features: â€Å"Windows 7 simplifies everyday tasks†Windows 7 includes a number of new features, it provides the better ways to find and manage files, helping you speed up tasks; like Jump Lists and improved taskbar previews. It’s designed for faster and more reliable performance and follows the way you want it to. It takes full support and advantages of the 64-bit. It also makes many new things possible, for instance HomeGroup, Windows Media Center and Windows Touch. Key performance improvements: ? Design to sleep, resume, and reconnect to your wireless network more quickly. ? When hunting for answer, search faster. Sorting and grouping of search results is also significantly quicker. ? Plug in a portable flash drive or other USB devices; get ready in seconds or even shorter. ? Be less memory hungry and less busy that can boost up the overall performance. Windows 7 is designed to run speed-sapping background services only when you need them. ? Browse online newspapers, flick through photo albums, and shuffle files and folders. Windows Touch is fully embrace multitouch technology, easy and fun to use. 3. Two examples of system software and the benefits [pic] The Important Features: ? HomeGroup [pic] Connecting two or more PCs, HomeGroup makes it easy to automatically start sharing your music, picture, video, and files with other people. Concerned about privacy and security control, we have password-protected. You can decide what keeps private, read-only files and share to others. ? Jump Lists [pic] Jump Lists not only show shortcuts to files, they also can provide a method of speedy access. Just simply right-click a program icon on the taskbar and you can find the documents, pictures, songs, or websites that you use each day. The Jump List for Windows Media Player 12 lists commonly-played tunes. Internet Explorer 8 shows all you frequently-viewed websites. You can pin whatever files you like. 3. Two examples of system software and the benefits [pic] ? Snap, Peek and Shake [pic] [pic] [pic] Snap gives you a new and quick way to resize open windows, simply by dragging them to the edges of your screen; you can make it expand vertically. Peek gives you the power of X-ray vision, so you can peer past all your open windows straight to your desktop. Shake, it’s a quick way to minimize all open windows on the desktop except the one you want to use. ? Windows Live Essentials [pic] Windows Live Essentials – the free software that let user do more great things. Things like e-mail, instant messaging, photo editing and blogging. Download from the Windows Live website. [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] Messenger Photo Gallery Mail Writer Movie Maker Family Safety Toolbar 3. Two examples of system software and the benefits [pic] ? Windows Search [pic] â€Å"Find more things in more placesâ€â€and do it faster. †Typing the key words in search box and search in different location, it will show you a list of relevant documents, pictures, music, and e-mail on screen instantly. The searched results are grouped by date, file type and category, it contain highlighted keywords and text snippets to make them easier to scan. ? Windows Taskbar [pic] â€Å"Better thumbnail previews, easier-to-see icons, flexible, powerful and more ways to customize†Taskbar is the familiar place for switching between windows. You can pin and rearrange your favorite programs anywhere on the taskbar for easy access. 3. Two examples of system software and the benefits [pic] 2. Mac OS X Mac OS X is the newest version of Apple Inc. ‘s Mac OS line of operating systems. Most of the Macintosh owners are using this version. Darwin is not only built on a rock-solid, time-tested UNIX foundation that provides unparalleled stability; it also delivers incredible performance, stunning graphics, and industry-leading support for Internet standards. It makes the Mac innovative, highly secure, compatible, and easy to use and incredibly powerful. Benefits Features: ? Power of UNIX – Simplicity of the Mac When you start up your Mac to the applications you use, which is designed with simplicity and elegance in mind. Whatever you’re browsing the web, checking your email, or video chatting with a friend on another continent, getting things done is at once easy to learn, simple to perform, and fun to do. ? Perfect integration of hardware and software Since the software on every Mac is created by the same company and you can get an integrated system in which everything works together perfectly. It takes full support of the 64-bit, multicore processors and GPUs to deliver the greatest possible performance. The built-in iSight camera works seamlessly with the iChat software so you can start your video chat. Your Mac notebook includes a Multi-Touch track pad that supports pinching, swiping, and other gestures. The OS will wisely decide whether the CPU or GPU is best for a task and dim the screen in low-light conditions automatically, so that it will increase the battery life. ? Elegant interface and stunning graphics User interface is the remarkable feature of a Mac and made possible by advanced graphics technologies. These technologies provide the power such as multiway chatting, real-time reflections, and smooth animations. Fonts on the screen look beautiful and extremely readable. A soft drop shadow makes it clear at a glance 3. Two examples of system software and the benefits [pic] which window is active and which ones are in the background. You can preview the file using Quick Look, it is high resolution and fine to read. You can create and view the PDF from almost any application in the system. ? Highly secure by design Mac OS X doesn’t get PC viruses. And with virtually no effort on your part, Mac OS X protects itself by offering a variety of sophisticated technologies that help keep you safe from online threats. Mac contains a secure configuration and Apple responds quickly to online threats and automatically delivers security updates. ? Built for compatibility The versatility and power of Mac OS X make it compatible in almost any environment, including Windows networks. User can work with most type of digital cameras, printers, and other peripherals. It can open the common file types such as JPG, MP3, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents. ? Innovation for anyone need Mac OS X provides and support with a wide range of assistive technologies that help people with disabilities. For example, the built-in VoiceOver screen-reading technology makes it possible for those who are blind or have low vision to control their computer using key commands or gestures on a Multi-Touch track pad. Mac OS X also offers out-of-the-box support for over 40 braille displays, including Bluetooth displays, and many other accessibility features, such as dynamic full-screen magnification, playback of closed captions, and a scalable screen. ? Reliable to the core The core of Mac OS X is built on the same UNIX foundation. Even upgrading your Mac to the next version of Mac OS X is reliable, easy and compatible. Even better, it doesn’t need to reformat your drive and you can keep all your applications, files, and settings. Furthermore, the Time Machine of Mac will do automatic backups of your drive. . Two examples of application software and the benefits [pic] Another software category is application software. For our new customer, I have selected two popular, practical and powerful programs for her daily operation; Excel and PowerPoint are fully featured and the basic tools for Microsoft Office. 1. Excel Microsoft Excel is an electronic spreadsheet program; you can enter numerical values or data into the rows or columns of a spreadsheet, and to use for calculating, sorting, organizing and manipulating data. It can produce graphs, statistical analysis and reports etc. When you look at the Excel screen, you can see a rectangular table or grid of rows and columns. The horizontal rows are identified by numbers (1,2,3 ¦) and the vertical columns with letters of the alphabet (A,B,C†¦AA,AB,AC). The intersection point between a column and a row is a small rectangular box known as a â€Å"Cell†. Each is a basic unit and given an address to identify it, such as A3, B6, AA345. Features Benefits: ? Data Types, Formulas, and Functions The types of data that a cell can hold include numbers, text or formulas. Formulas are used for calculations, usually involving data contained in other cells. Excel includes a number of built in formulas used for common tasks known as functions. Some of the following commands are: †¢ AutoSum †¢ Align Cell Entries †¢ Copy, Cut, Paste, and Cell Addressing Formatting †¢ Insert and Delete Columns and Rows †¢ Create Header, Footer, Borders and Layout †¢ Merge and Center 4. Two examples of application software and the benefits [pic] ? Financial Data Spreadsheets are often used to store financial data. Formulas and functions that are used on this type of data include: 1. Performing basic mathematical operations such as summing columns and rows of figures. 2. Finding values such as profit or loss. . Calculating repayment plans for loans or mortgages. 4. Finding the average, maximum, or minimum values in a specified range of data. ? Other Uses Excel can be used for other operations: 1. Creating Charts and Graphics, which assist users in identifying data trends. You can choose from a variety of chart types, such as col umn, line, pie, bar, area, and scatter. Your chart will automatically update when you change your data. 2. Sorting and filtering data to find specific information. The information store in a spreadsheet can easily be incorporated into electronic presentations, web pages or report printing. . Two examples of application software and the benefits [pic] 1. Power Point 1. What is PowerPoint? Microsoft PowerPoint is a complete presentation graphics package. PowerPoint offers word processing, outlining, drawing, graphing, and presentation management tools, it designed for you to produce a professional-looking presentation. PowerPoint uses a graphical approach to presentations in the form of slide shows. This program is widely used in business and classrooms and is an effective tool when used for training purposes. It is the number ONE presentation tools for worldwide. Anyone can easily create design their professional presentations. PowerPoint can be made into photo albums, comply with music and veido. For business field, it can easily to add an illustrative chart of data or an organizational chart of company’s structure. It can make your presentation into a web page for emailing purposes, as a promotion displayed on your company’s website. It is familiar to customize presentations with your company logo and clip-art. You can use many pre-designed templates and search for more beautiful templates from different websites. In addition, it can provide and print out the handouts and outlines for public. And also the notes pages for the speaker that is useful during the presentation. All in all, PowerPoint is a â€Å"one-stop-shop†application to create successful presentations for the business world, the classroom or just for your own personal use. 4. Two examples of application software and the benefits [pic] 2. Power Point ? The overview of the benefits and features in PowerPoint: †¢ When you create a presentation using PowerPoint, the presentation is made up of a series of slides. It can present as overhead transparencies. Beside that you can print handouts, outlines, and speaker’s notes. †¢ Slide Master, powerful tools to format all the slides in a presentation. †¢ Store the whole presentation in a single file, includes all the slides, background music, video, speaker’s notes and handouts. †¢ Import the files from other MS Office products, such as Word and Exc el. 5. FIVE FEATURES OF MS WORD [pic] MS Word is a typical example of word processing program; it is the most familiar application software. You can use it to create, edit, format, print and store all types of letters, reports, and documents. Word contains a concept of â€Å"What you see is what you get†. Here are the five common features and their benefits as below: 5. 1. Copy and Paste User can copy text form one area of the documents and stores the data on the Clipboard. So it can be placed to anywhere in the same or another document. This feature is really helping you to save times of typing and more accurately and efficiently. 5. 2. Spell Checker This feature is a great helper for user; it allows you to check your spelling and grammar mistakes as you type. For the spelling errors, it displays with a red wavy line under the word. For showing of the grammar errors, it displays with a green wavy line under the word. When it checks against with the dictionary, if the word is misspelled, it will be highlighted on the screen and noted. Then the feature gives you the suggestions of the correct words. The program will also recognize the special name or words that you have already added in your personal dictionary. 5. 3. Find and Replace When you need to search a particular word or phrase in your document, especially useful for working with a large file or limited and selected area, you can use the â€Å"Find†command. Basically it will scan the whole document and highlighted the word or phrase that you search. Then user can execute the â€Å"Replace†command to replace one word or all the words with the new text. 5. FIVE FEATURES OF MS WORD [pic] 5. 4. Add Bullets and Numbers If you have lists of data or a group of items, you may want to bullet or number them. When using this command, you can easily create bulleted or numbered lists of items. Various bulleting and numbering styles or formats, in the Bullet library, are available for your selection. Examples: Bulleting Examples: Numbering pic] [pic] 5. 5. Mail Merge Mail merge can be used for creating many documents that contain identical information and where each document contains unique elements. Firstly, you prepare the template that contains the same version information. Then you add some placeholders from the data source (such as name, address or serial number) that is unique to each version. When producing of a large number of letters (message, label, envelope or numbered coupon) for mass mailing purpose, it can help to reduce your workload and diminish the duplicate work. 6. CONCLUSION [pic] After considering all criteria, I recommend Christy to choose Microsoft Window 7. This operation system is powerful, user friendly and compliable. Most importantly, it is suitable for beginners to work efficiently and explore the computer world. Furthermore, Excel PowerPoint are also useful applications for personal office use. After taking my advice, I am sure Christy will have lots of enjoyment of her computer life and improvement in managing her daily work. References 1. Software Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved January 18,2010,from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/System 2. Operating system – Computer Definition. Retrieved January 19,2010,from http://www. yourdictionary. com/computer/operating-system 3. Application software – Definition. Retrieved January 19,2010,from http://www. wordiq. com/definition/Application_software 4. Windows 7 features – Microsoft Windows. Retrieved January 21,2010,from http://windows. microsoft. com/en-us/windows7/products/features 5. Apple – Mac OS X – What is Mac OS X ? Retrieved January 21,2010,from http://www. apple. com/macosx/what-is-macosx 6. What is Excel. Retrieved January 22,2010,from http://serc. carleton. edu/introgeo/mathstatmodels/UsingXL. tml 7. What is Microsoft Excel – What is Excel – What is Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets. Retrieved January 22,2010,from http://spreadsheets. about. com/od/tipsandfaqs/f/excel_use. htm 8. What is Microsoft PowerPoint? – How Do I Use PowerPoint? Retrieved January 23,2010,from http://presentationsoft. about. com/od/powerpointti psandfaqs/f/ppt_overview. htm 9. Microsoft Word 2007 Tutorialâ€â€Free Online. Retrieved January 24,2010,from http://www. baycongroup. com/wlesson0. htm [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Types of System Software Types of application software: How to cite System Software Application Software, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Merger, Acquisition, and International Strategies
The company Kraft Foods Group is one of the leading packaged food and beverage companies worldwide. The company’s net revenues are $18.3 billion and it has assets of more than $23 billion (Kraft Foods Inc., 2012). The company operates mainly in the USA and Canada, but it also collaborates with distributors who sale their products in other countries. The company sells its products to retail chains. Notably, Wal-Mart accounted for â€Å"approximately 25%†of the company’s â€Å"combined net revenues†(Kraft Foods Inc., 2012, p. 3).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Merger, Acquisition, and International Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company, named J.L. Kraft Bros. Company, was set up by Charles, Fred, Norman and John Kraft in Chicago in 1909. Since then, the company has been growing and developing into an international corporation. Interestingly, business increased 125% during 1910 and the brothers established a sales office in New York (Kraft Foods corporate timeline, 2012). In 1910, the company patented new methods of producing food in tins. Acquisition and international expansion started as far back as 1920s for the company when they purchased the MacLaren Imperial Cheese Co., Ltd. in Montreal, Canada. In 1924, the company had a sales office in London. The company went through a number of mergers and acquisitions. This brief account of Kraft Foods Group’s history suggests that merger and acquisition was a part of the company’s strategy from the first years of its existence. The company has entered a market with a new and rather revolutionary product as tinned cheese and meals were not common. It is clear that one of the major corporate strategies of the company has been expansion through mergers and acquisitions. It is necessary to note that this strategy is quite winning as it enables the company expand rapidly. First of all, the company acquires new capabilities and improve efficiency by â€Å"acquiring a customer, supplier, or competitor†(DePamphilis, 2013, p. 5). This strategy also contributes to diversification as the company can develop new products and enter new markets. This also helps adapt to the changing environment. Besides, mergers and acquisitions help reduce costs as newly acquired companies have facilities and resources so the company does not need to invest funds in development of such facilities. It is necessary to add that the strategy has proved to be effective as the company is now one of the leaders of the market. Kraft Foods Group has understood opportunities and challenges of the market and managed to remain efficient. The company saved a lot of funds acquiring facilities of other smaller companies. At that, Kraft Foods Group also reduced the number of its competitors which is also important.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help y ou! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The company has also gone through a number of mergers. Notably, lots of companies are reluctant to merge as they are afraid to lose control over their business. Nonetheless, Kraft Foods Inc. is an illustration of successful operation through numerous mergers. The fact that the company remains one of the leaders in the market after severe financial crises suggests that in times of financial constraints merger and acquisition can be good options. As far as local corporations are concerned, it is possible to single out Angus Meats, Inc. This corporation operates in the USA and is located in Washington State. Its revenue is over $5 million. Angus Meats, Inc. produces a wide range of meat products. The company sells its products through its distributors and directly to its customers. The company’s customers are restaurants, hotels, educational establishments, health care units and so on. The company also gets orders online through its website (Angus Meats, 2014). It is one of the priorities of Angus Meats, Inc. to buy only high-quality meat from farming businesses. Therefore, it can be a winning strategy to acquire a small farming business or merge with it. Thus, Angus Meats, Inc. will have stock to produce meat products. Admittedly, this should be a reliable partner having its customers and operating in another state. This will enable the companies enter new markets in the states they operate in and in other US states. One of possible partners for merger or acquisition is Sugar Mountain Farm. This is a family run farm that raise a variety of animals (cattle, poultry), though the key product is pigs. The company has numerous clients who value its products for high quality. The company has slaughter facility and can produce whole and half pigs. Notably, they have built a new facility and are looking for investors (Sugar Mountain Farm, 2014). Therefore, Angus Meats, Inc. can address the company and star t negotiations on merger. Though, Sugar Mountain Farm is located in Vermont which is far from Angus Meats, Inc. This can be a risky move though it can turn out to be an effective strategy as two companies can expand and market products in other states. Angus Meats, Inc. can invest money into acquisition of a facility by acquiring another company. It is also possible to construct the necessary facility on the basis of the slaughter house of Sugar Mountain Farm.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Merger, Acquisition, and International Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, the two companies will have high-quality meat products that already have loyal customers in the two states. A number of acquisitions can help the companies expand their markets and even move to the international market. It is also necessary to note that this merger should be accompanied by potent advertising campaign. The companies†™ customers should know about this and should understand advantages of this strategy. In fact, effectiveness of this campaign will have a great impact on the development of the newly created company. Hence, it should be developed thoroughly. It is possible to involve an agency to make sure that the advertising campaign will be professional and successful. As has been mentioned above, Kraft Foods Group is an international company which has implemented successful strategies at both business and corporate levels. As for business-level strategies, it is possible to point out that the company tries to meet its customer’s needs. Thus, Kraft Foods Group is constantly expanding its wide range of products. Remarkably, the products have certain regional features to meet expectations of customers in different countries. The company also launches numerous advertising campaigns to market its products. The ideas of high-quality and sustainability are essential to these campaigns. When it comes to pricing, the corporation also tries to attract more customers by introducing products of different pricing categories (Kraft Foods Inc., 2012). Notably, Kraft Foods Inc. states that they compete with other companies â€Å"primarily on the basis of product quality and innovation, brand recognition and loyalty, service, the ability to identify and satisfy consumer preferences, and price†(Kraft Foods Inc., 2012, p. 5). Admittedly, advertising campaigns focus on customers’ needs in each region. As far as corporate-level strategies are concerned, the key strategy is diversification and change. The company has been producing new products and expanding to new markets. Notably, expansion is seen as another priority of the corporation. As the company’s history suggests, expansion to new areas began during the first years of the business’ existence. The company is operating in numerous countries worldwide, which enables it to remain competitive. It is al so necessary to add that acquisition of new companies and merging with other businesses is also integrated into the corporation’s strategy. The company sees acquisition as an effective way to expand. Instead of building new capabilities, Kraft Foods Inc. acquires companies with existing capabilities. Importantly, the customers of newly acquired company become new customers of Kraft Foods Inc.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Furthermore, Kraft Foods Inc. invests a lot (more than $190 million) into innovation and research (Kraft Foods Inc., 2012). The company continues developing new products. RD department comes up with new flavors, colors, packaging materials, marketing strategies and so on. It is necessary to note that the company employs scientists, engineers and other professionals. Kraft Foods Inc. still patents its products and lots of existing products are protected by copyright law. This helps the company be innovative and offer unique products which differ from the rest in the market. Thus, Kraft Foods Inc. manages to be competitive in the international market. Sustainability is another key component of the company’s corporate strategy. First of all, Kraft Foods Inc. invests into development of neighborhoods and environment. Of course, Kraft Foods Inc. follows all the necessary environmental requirements in every region it operates in. Finally, the company exploits principles of sustaina bility when it comes to its relations with its employees. People are seen as major asset of the company and employees have an opportunity to develop through numerous trainings. When it comes to a small local business, it is necessary to choose the most effective business- and corporate-level strategies. As for the corporate-level strategy, Angus Meats, Inc. should consider utilizing acquisition and merger as a way to expand. This expansion can be aimed at American or even international market. First, it can be beneficial to merge with another meat producing company in another state. Of course, the expansion should be held steadily. Through a number of acquisitions, it is possible to enter Canadian market and markets in other countries. Admittedly, small business can hardly compete with such international corporations as Tyson Foods or JBS. Therefore, it is important to expand to be able to compete with larger companies. As for business-level strategy, Angus Meats should consider dev eloping a wide advertising campaign. The high-quality of products is valued by loyal customers of Angus Meats. However, the company sales to hospitality unites, educational and healthcare units, which limit the number of customers as people do not always know what products they are served. However, it is possible to promote the company’s products in a number of ways. Online advertising is a cost-effective way to advertise products. Products in retail chains can be advertised more effectively as well. Local radio stations can also be regarded as potent tools to make people aware of products of Angus Meats. Thus, word of mouth advertising is an effective way to make people know about a company, but it is not enough in the highly competitive world. Thus, the company can benefit from developing potent advertising campaigns. Reference List Angus Meats. (2014). Web. DePamphilis, D.M. (2013). Mergers, acquisitions, and other restructuring activities: An integrated approach to proces s, tools, cases, and solutions. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Kraft Foods corporate timeline. (2012). Web. Kraft Foods Inc. (2012). Web. Sugar Mountain Farm. (2014). Web. This report on Merger, Acquisition, and International Strategies was written and submitted by user Aryana P. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Jacksonian Democracy essays
Jacksonian Democracy essays In the 1820's and 1830's Jacksonian Democrats showed that they were the guardians of the United Stated Constitution, political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of economic opportunity. Andrew Jackson's opposition to the nullification laws displayed his honor for the Constitution and his belief in a strong union. Jacksonians were the intense democrats of this time, his reforms and political views showed his commitment to the common man. Jacksonian democracy advocated liberty of the white male working class. They also showed a firm belief in equal economic opportunity. Andrew Jackson was in extreme opposition to the nullification laws. At the annual Democratic party banquet, John C. Calhoun's toast to individual liberty and states rights above preservation of the Union made Jackson oppose the laws even more. He fought nullification laws and even threatened to hang the first to secede. His veto of modifications to the bank charter stated that it would wield it incompatible with the U.S. Constitution; this shows that he was concerned with the constitutionality of it. In the first paragraph of the Constitution it is stated, We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union,...' Andrew Jackson's top priority seemed to be to hold to these words and to maintain the Union. Any bill he thought might betray some part of the Union or create a breach in it's ties, he vetoed. He was often referred to as "King Andrew the I" because of the large number of bills he vetoed and the extreme power he exerted. Jackson and his followers were strong believers in democracy; Jackson made many democratic reforms of the government that he could control through appointments of his supporters to office and firings of his enemies. His wild party after his inauguration showed how he held the common man in respect and displayed his democratic views. The John Eaton scandal is ...
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Microsoft Word Tips How to Use Find and Replace
Microsoft Word Tips How to Use Find and Replace Microsoft Word Tips: How to Use Find and Replace When working on a large document, you may need to quickly find certain words and phrases. Good news, then! Microsoft Word’s search functions are a great tool to use while editing. But how do they work exactly? Let us walk you through the Find and Replace tools in Microsoft Word. Searching a Document How to access the search options in Microsoft Word depends on the version you are using: In Word for Windows, go to Home Editing on the ribbon and click Find for the basic search or Replace to open the Find and Replace window The basic search box is displayed as a default in Word for Mac, but you can also click the magnifying glass and select Replace†¦ to open the advanced Replace With†¦ search window These options can also be accessed via the shortcuts Ctrl + F (basic search) or Ctrl + H (find and replace). Search options in Word for Windows. The Navigation Pane The navigation pane is a panel on the left of the screen in Microsoft Word to help you navigate your document. It can be opened by accessing the basic search options (see above) or by going to View Show on the main ribbon and checking the box that says Navigation Pane. Once you have opened it, you will have three options available: Headings – A list of text formatted with a Heading style in the document Pages – A thumbnail preview of each page in the document Results – A list of text that matches the term(s) used in a search Navigation pane tabs. It is this last tab that interests us most here. This is where you’ll see the full list of results when you search for a term or phrase in Microsoft Word, making it easy to find issues quickly. Using Find and Replace Effectively The Replace function in Microsoft Word lets you search for terms and replace them with other text. This can be especially useful if you decide to change a specific word throughout a long document. To use this tool, first open the Find and Replace window (see above). Next, you need to: Enter the term you want to search for in the Find what field Enter the new term you want to replace it with in the Replace with field Click Find Next to search for the term and Replace to replace it The Find and Replace window. You can also click Replace All to replace all instances of a term at once. However, this can introduce errors if you are not careful, so it is usually better to take each replacement one at a time. One great use of the Find and Replace tool is to remove double spaces from a document. All this requires is searching for a double space and using a single space in the Replace with field. Advanced Searches Feeling confident now? Well, you might be ready for Microsoft Word’s advanced search options. These can be accessed by clicking the More button in the Find and Replace window. Advanced search options. Here, you will find options to search for specific capitalization of terms, formatting, and even special characters. You may not need to use these options often, but they can be very useful for making sure that formatting and capitalization are consistent throughout a document.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Eminent Domain Law in California Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Eminent Domain Law in California - Case Study Example Supreme Court's finding in Kelo v. City of New London that the government may use eminent domain to "take" property from its owner for the purpose of transferring it to a private developer (California). However, as noted above, the issues brought into the voting arena were oversimplified by the media. Because of public concern about the possibility of rent control being phased out and the fact that both propositions were efforts to amend Article I, Section 19, of the California State Constitution, the California voters made the decision to reject the proposition that they thought might do them the most harm, namely Proposition 98. Instead of informed debate leading to eminent domain reforms, each political campaign waged in this battle focused on one issue only. Therefore, it is highly likely that further study of this issue will be necessary in an effort to determine what changes must be made to Article I, Section 19, of California's State Constitution so that the public will be pro perly served. The Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution applies to rights of persons and in terms of eminent domain states: ". . . nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation" (U.S., par. 1). This compensation clause contains the requirement that "the taking of private property be for a public use" (U.S., par. 4). ... The California State Constitution was ratified on November 13, 1849, just prior to California attaining statehood in 1850. Because of this, a new state constitution was established in 1879 (California). Over the years, there have been many amendments, which makes the California constitution one of the longest in the nation. For purposes of this paper, however, Article I, Section 19, will be discussed. Article I is based on the Fifth Amendment, and Section 19 focuses on eminent domain. Implications of Kelo v. City of New London The decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2005 opened discussion in California on how California law could be changed to further protect the rights of private homeowners and businesses while still using eminent domain for legitimate public purposes (Keene). Kelo found that a Connecticut redevelopment authority had the right to seize private property for hotels, shopping centers and other private developments, and it is well known that California real estate developers and hotel planners are always looking for a way to acquire land for private purposes. It was noted by the California Senate Local Government Committee that there was a similarity between eminent domain use in California and New London, Connecticut. Suggestions were made by the Committee as follows: Clarify definition of "public use." Tighten the "blight" definition in Statute. Remove or lengthen time limit to challenge a blight designation. Proposition 98 and Proposition 99 As a result of Kelo, two propositions were initiated and presented to the people of California for a vote. Neither of these propositions completely resolves the possibility that private property might be seized by the government for private purposes. There are
Monday, February 3, 2020
Crime and Punishment and ways to make our prison system better Research Paper - 1
Crime and Punishment and ways to make our prison system better - Research Paper Example scourages the use of â€Å"probation and parole†as a result of which the offenders are being punished with longer prison terms with rare chances of â€Å"being released on parole†(9). Thus, in the present day, incarceration rates have been skyrocketing as a consequence of which there has been prison overcrowding across the US. Evidence further suggests that in 2008 alone, corrections have cost the exchequer a spending of â€Å"nearly $75 billion†across federal, state and local government facilities (10). Thus, it becomes evident that the heavy rate of incarcerations remains a hefty onus on the country’s financial resources. This high rate of incarceration can be perceived as a consequence of lack of education and the prevalence of poverty, which is considerably high in African American ethnic group, and the resultant emergence of a new racism. The Policy Information Report by the Educational Testing Service finds that the rate of incarceration of black youths, especially those who dropped out from school, has increased to such an extent as to â€Å"jeopardize the achievement of broader social justice goals†(Coley and Barton 3). This indicates that there is a gap in the educational opportunities of the Black youth as compared to the White people, which entails a greater number of incarcerations of the youngsters from black ethnical background. Research evidence further suggests that â€Å"illiteracy†and the lack of numerical skills are quite high in prisoners and a â€Å"half of all prisoners†does not possess any education at all (Crowded Out? The Impact of Prison Overcrowding on Rehabilitation 10). In the modern day, the job market has become highly competitive and business organizations have a wide variety of choices of workforce. Thus, people who do not possess adequate educational qualification and professional skills remain unemployed. This situation compels them to look for alternative sources of income and they embark on criminal activities for earning
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