Saturday, March 21, 2020

Jacksonian Democracy essays

Jacksonian Democracy essays In the 1820's and 1830's Jacksonian Democrats showed that they were the guardians of the United Stated Constitution, political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of economic opportunity. Andrew Jackson's opposition to the nullification laws displayed his honor for the Constitution and his belief in a strong union. Jacksonians were the intense democrats of this time, his reforms and political views showed his commitment to the common man. Jacksonian democracy advocated liberty of the white male working class. They also showed a firm belief in equal economic opportunity. Andrew Jackson was in extreme opposition to the nullification laws. At the annual Democratic party banquet, John C. Calhoun's toast to individual liberty and states rights above preservation of the Union made Jackson oppose the laws even more. He fought nullification laws and even threatened to hang the first to secede. His veto of modifications to the bank charter stated that it would wield it incompatible with the U.S. Constitution; this shows that he was concerned with the constitutionality of it. In the first paragraph of the Constitution it is stated, We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union,...' Andrew Jackson's top priority seemed to be to hold to these words and to maintain the Union. Any bill he thought might betray some part of the Union or create a breach in it's ties, he vetoed. He was often referred to as "King Andrew the I" because of the large number of bills he vetoed and the extreme power he exerted. Jackson and his followers were strong believers in democracy; Jackson made many democratic reforms of the government that he could control through appointments of his supporters to office and firings of his enemies. His wild party after his inauguration showed how he held the common man in respect and displayed his democratic views. The John Eaton scandal is ...

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