Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Laptops in the Classroom Neither Educational Heroes nor...

Computer access is an absolutely essential part of the education process. The Internet is a gold mine for information, collaboration, and publication. The spread of productivity software such as word processors and Power Point revolutionized the way students do homework. Computers are also addictive and distracting social hubs. The question of whether students should have access to laptops inside the classroom is a puzzling one, with research strongly supporting both the pros and cons. Ultimately, the way that laptops are used in the classroom and not the presence of laptops defines their value. Studies on student laptop usage cover a wide range of classroom variables in an attempt to quantify benefits and/or negative outcomes. Studies†¦show more content†¦Wurst, Smarkola, Gaffney (2008) found â€Å"no significant differences in all constructivist activities†¦ by the introduction of the laptop computer.† In fact, â€Å"Ironically, the introduction of laptops, wh en it did make a difference, reduced the amount of constructivism in the classroom.† In order for laptops to be best utilized, many teachers need to change their educational philosophies and strategies. Not only is the value of laptop use limited by educational tactics, but laptop use in the classroom can have a negative impact, particularly in lecture-centric classes. Fried (2008) did a study of laptop use in a large lecture course and found that â€Å"results showed that students who used laptops in class spent considerable time multitasking and that the laptop use posed a significant distraction to both users and fellow students.† Not surprisingly, laptop use â€Å"negatively related to several measures of student learning, including self-reported understanding of course material and overall course performance.† In a study of business honors students, â€Å"Seventy-eight percent of the students noted that the laptops were a distraction in class. In general s tudents found the temptation of Internet activities too great to control their behavior in class. Students got over-involved in Internet activities and were inattentive toShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesSelf-Assessment Library How Charismatic Am I? 382 Self-Assessment Library Am I an Ethical Leader? 386 An Ethical Choice Do Leaders Have a Responsibility to Protect Followers? 388 Myth or Science? â€Å"Power Helps Leaders Perform Better† 392 Point/Counterpoint Heroes Are Made, Not Born 398 Questions for Review 399 Experiential Exercise What Is a Leader? 399 Ethical Dilemma Undercover Leaders 399 Case Incident 1 Leadership Mettle Forged in Battle 400 Case Incident 2 Leadership Factories 400 13 Power andRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 PagesThey are creating next generation, fuel efficient vehicles, developing sustainable sources of energy, and exploring the farthest reaches of outer space. The impact of project management is most profound in the electronics industry, where the new folk heroes are young professionals whose Herculean efforts lead to the constant flow of new hardware and software products. Project management is not limited to the private sector. Project management is also a vehicle for doing good deeds and solving social

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